How To Care For Your Fur Coat

A fur coat is expensive and should be handled and stored with great care. With the right care a fur can last many years and maintain it's value for handing down to the next generation or selling. Most important is furs should be kept away fromĀ heat, chemicals, friction and cramped spaces. Here are some tips for caring for your fur.

Storing your fur in a closet
During the winter, give your fur ample closet space and be sure it is not exposed to light or heat, which can cause fur to oxidize and change color.

How to hang your fur
During the season, always hang your fur on a broad-shouldered hanger. Wire ones are a no-no. In fact, ask your furrier for a professional hanger.

Transporting your fur
Fur needs air circulation to keep its leather side from drying. Don't cover it in a plastic bag. If you absolutely have to make sure it is not for long and it mustĀ be in a loosely woven cloth bag.

Summer Fur Storage
Nothing shortens the lifespan of a fur like keeping it cooped up in the closet during hot summer months. Home storage, even using air conditioning or a cedar closet, will not protect your fur from drying out or from dust, dirt and insect damage. Fur vaults are specially designed environments, with carefully controlled temperature and humidity. When furs are not professionally stored, though the fur may appear undamaged, the natural oils in the leather may have dried out, prematurely aging your garment and leaving it more vulnerable to rips and tears. Store your coat with a professional, above ground and climate controlled fur storage.

Cleaning your fur
Furs should be cleaned once a year, and by a fur specialist, never a dry cleaner. Your fur may not look dirty but it needs freshening nonetheless to remove small abrasive dirt particles and chemicals, and keep it soft. The cleaning process includes a glazing procedure, which enhances the lustre of your fur. It is also the ideal opportunity for your furrier to spot-check for any necessary repairs - before minor problems become more serious.

Things to keep away
Furs don't appreciate being pricked or snagged with accessories like sharp jewellery. Also avoid using shoulder bags on a constant basis because straps can break fur hairs and create bald patches. Avoid getting perfume or hairspray on your fur and, whatever you do, don't try treating your fur with insecticides or mothballs. Leave the protection to your furrier.

Rain & Snow
Most furs can handle snow and rain; so don't panic if your coat gets a little wet. Just shake it out and hang it to dry slowly, away form direct heat. Resist the temptation to use a hair dryer, and don't comb or brush fur. If your coat has been soaked through, take it immediately to your furrier for proper treatment